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Jalan-Jalan with Jerwin in Singapore

Jalan-Jalan with Jerwin in Singapore
Photo by Jerwin Allen Malabanan

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Americanism of calling people by their first names does not work all the time. It is an artificial manifestation of egalitarianism.

I have observed that many former students have tried calling me by my first name, which is fine with me except that they rather than I seem permanently uncomfortable with it.

I think, as a rule of thumb, before calling a superior by their first name, consider the following non-egalitarian realities:

--did the person attain a higher educational level than yours?
--does the person have more accomplishments than yours?
--does the person have more credible experience than yours?
--does the person have a better curriculum vitae than yours?
--was the person awarded by society more than once?
--is the person making a bigger difference than you are?

Superiority has nothing to do with having a higher-paying job or a hefty bank account. That, as a matter of fact, is the wrong notion people have about "egalitarianism".

It is highly probable that this is a non-egalitarian world, but maybe only you can answer that.

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