I've been studying the statistics of my blogs, and, six months into my official retirement from the office, I would now like to send out a regional call to practitioners of magic from Bali, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and perhaps India. I would include Brunei and Malaysia except that I may not get any respondents from those countries.
Please indicate your interest via an e-mail message to me at studioantenor@yahoo.com.
There are certain requirements:
1) You must have a full Google+ account with a complete profile that I can readily access.
2) You must be a practitioner of magic indigenous to your country (no Wicce, no Strega, no Celtic magic, no Qabbalah, and whatnot borrowed from other cultures).
3) You must have a deep knowledge of your indigenous mythology.
4) You must be a mature individual, at least 50 years of age. No snotty teenagers, please.
5) I will accept only one representative from each country. Needless to say I am the sole representative from mine.
I will eventually send out a questionnaire for you to fill out.
Be advised that my objective is to give, not to take.
One of the things I need to explore is how earth changes can be controlled by magic, since Nature seems to be particularly responsive to magic.
You will eventually be included in a restricted blog. Hopefully, we can convene at least once a year.
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